We've had a fabulous four weeks delivering Balance Bike sessions to Reception and Year 1 children at Manor Hill Primary School. All the children made huge progress and are now scooting round the playground and ready to move onto pedal bikes. Each week pupils turned on their imaginations and transform their playground into a different environments in which to ride their balance bikes and play - we've followed monkeys through amazon jungles, swinging through trees and splashing through streams. Visiting deserts and sand dunes before the challenging mountains, dodging boulders and riding around flowers in the alpine meadows. Finally, in week four at the start of December, the children visited Lapland to help Santa deliver presents to his elf depots ready for Christmas Day.
We include an "On Show” session for parents and carers which enables children to show off their new found skills. This is also an opportunity to ask National Standard Instructors more questions and discover the many benefits of active travel.It was fantastic to see so many families socialising as they left for home, significantly less cars parked around school and children enjoying clean air on their ride home with parents.These are engaging, healthy activities that help children learn additional gross motor skills and how to ride a bike or improve their existing cycling skills. Sessions are linked to Early Years & KS1 National Curriculum and can accelerate other types of classroom based learning whilst improving early year’s fitness.If your school would like to use its sports premium funding for Balance Bike sessions (bikes and helmets provided) then give Cyclist Training Ltd a call on 01785 818193 to find out more.