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Writer's picturePeter Jeffers

VeloRunner & CTL August Round-Up

We’re almost through September and the heatwave of summer is starting to feel like a distant memory with the nights drawing in and temperatures doing their best to get to single figures. So to push away those autumnal blues here’s a look back at what 2018’s sweltering August held for VeloRunner and Cyclist Training Ltd.


During the six week school holidays CTL ran a number of holiday camps across Staffordshire, Stoke-on-Trent and Cheshire. In these eight sessions we taught over 150 children how to improve their skills and safety on a bike. In addition to these camps, our instructors also took part in many private 1:1 sessions, these ranged from teaching people of all ages how to ride, all the way up to sessions improving commuting confidence on a bike! We have now got planned additional holiday camps across the October half term. For further details on these please have a look at the CTL Events page under the ‘Bikeability’ tab:


2018 saw the Tean TT series grow in popularity, with more riders from our club taking part than ever before. With new bikes, riders and a lot of effort, VeloRunner came out on top of the overall league results for the TT/Aero category which is fantastic! A big thank you to everyone who took part from the club.

The icing on the cake was that the top 4 riders from the category were also VeloRunner club members; Grant Bigham in 1st, Steve Hall 2nd, Sam Hall 3rd and Simon Williams rounding off the top four places.

Another big thank you to every single rider that took part in any category and those who helped marshal. Hopefully we will see the same success next year.


Staying on the topic of club success during August, our team rider Will Corden also managed to successfully defend his National Championships TLI title. Another congratulations to Will for all the hard work he put in for the win.


As part of our summer work, CTL and VeloRunner staff took part in a huge overhaul of our bikes used in schools for Bikeability. The bikes have to endure being bundled in and out of vans as well as being constantly used for the 11 school months of the year in all weather conditions, so a little care and attention now and again is always welcome. In addition to our own fleet bikes, we undertook a fleet service at a local middle school. Our team set up a new fleet system as well as servicing over 40 bikes during the day so they are ready to be used in September again.


That was our August then, keep your eyes peeled on Facebook and our website for a round up of September at the end of the month. There will be a summary of the Velo Vicious Vertical hill climb series, a look at a new bike or two coming through VeloRunner and hearing how CTL have got on with the first month back in schools.

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